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New 2025
Most of this new varieties will be available and can be reserved.
La pluspart des nouvelles espèces suivantes seront disponibles et peuvent être réservées.
Die meiste der folgenden neuen Arten werden verfügbar sein und können reserviert werden.

A new color mutation in Phyllostachys vivax "Huangwenzhu". (picture left) The yellow sulcus of the new canes becomes pitch black in the first year. Will not be available in the coming two years.
Fargesia demissa ASA1620GAN-1 ((picture right )  Introduced as Fargesia nitida ASA1620GAN-1) A very handsome and healty Fargesia demissa. Probably one of the smalles Fargesias. (picture left)  Available: 5 liter  € 45 
Aulonemia ulei BBM20.BR11 (picture right and left) All BBM bamboos are collected by P. Bellec, Charles Boulanger and Christian Monnet.  This is a very interesting and handsome dwarf. This bamboo can survive temperatures that go down till -14°C. It grows till the top of Pico da Bandeira, 2892 m.  Brazil.   5 liter  € 35
Height 1- 2 m.+   Sun to shade   hardy -12/-15°C
Chusquea culeou 'Vilches Alto' (picture left) In 2008 Ned Jaquith send me some Chusquea seeds that were collected from the wild by Mike Remmick in Vilches Alto, Chile (central Chile, high elevation). Two seedlings survived for a long time in a pot but they didn’t look very healthy. I planted one of them out and it recovered, surviving some not very cold winters. Now this wonderful bamboo with purple culms, even in the shade, attracts attention of many visitors. I had lost the collecting information about this seedling but now, thanks to Noah Bell, I have got it back and even have a name.  Hardy between 12 and 15°C.
Height 2-2,5 m.  Sun to shade   hardy -12/-15°C  
Available:10-15 liter  € 85
Chusquea ibiramae BBM19 BR 216  (picture right) This bamboo has big leaves for a Chusquea. Collected in Brazil in 2019 by P. Bellec, Charles Boulanger et Christian Monnet.Some (maybe all) were collected around a mountain in south Brasilia, Pico da Bandeira (2892 meter) 5 liter  € 85
It is strange that none of the leaves of Aulonemia ulei, Chusquea ibiramae and the following 3 species are showing any tessellation in the leaves. Normally this is needed to survive freezing temperatures. But they are able to survive temperatures below zero, at least till - 8°C. And Aulonemia ulei BBM20.BR11 even till - 14°CIn the future we will know more about their hardiness.

Chusquea meyeriana  (Ch) BBM19-BR234 (A) (picture left) a beautiful but not very hardy species.  5 liter  € 55
Chuquea sp. Giant BBM19.BR
(survived  - 8°C. ) (picture right) collected by P. Bellec, Charles Boulanger et Christian Monnet.
5 liter  € 85
Chusquea (sp. floraison)  2019 BBM20-BR255  (picture left) Beautiful semi climbing species with very attractive very, very small leaves. Collected by P. Bellec, Charles Boulanger et Christian Monnet. In two growing years outside this bamboo is now arround 4 meter high.  5 liter  € 55
Fargesia demissa "Kang" ASA1820SHAA-2 (Stéphane)
(picture right)  A dwarf with colorfull culms and a pretty autumncolor. And a new name.  It tend not to roll it's leaves by frost  Hardiness: -20/-25°C  5 liter  € 45
Fargesia denudata 'Leda' (picture left) A part of the culms have variegated leaves. A smal part will be green and these canes can be removed.  Halfshade to shade but no direct sun.   Height 2 m.+       hardy -20/-25°C. Available July: 5 liter  € 55
Fargesia sp. Jiuzhaigou B1 (picture right) Strong bamboo with emerald green leaves and a reasonably upright growth. The green culms can fade in the sun to a deep yellow.  Like B2 (Deep Purple) this clone nearly rolls it’s leaf. Together with B2 is was selected some years ago as a promising bamboo out of a number of new Jiuzhaigou seedlings. On a sunny spot Fargesia sp. Jiuzhaigou B1 shows that it deserves its own place in the Fargesia range.
Height 2-3 m.+    Sun to shade   hardy -20/-25°C. Available:
5 liter  € 30
Fargesia nitida x murieliae 'Aurora'  (Big leaved form) (picture above left) with bigger leaves and thicker canes (in relation to the height) and an upright growing stature.  
Height 3 m.+    Sun to shade   hardy -20/-25°C  5 liter  € 45

Fargesia murieliae 'Green Lion' (picture above right) with dense, light green leaves. Upright growing selections from seeds direct from China. Height till 3 m.   Sun to shade   hardy -20/-25°C    5 liter  € 25
Fargesia nitida 'Kazachstan' (Stéphane) (picture left) forms a plant that makes a cloud of tiny leaves with reddish canes. Very colorful. If this plant was endemic in Kazachstan or it is brought there is unsure. 
Height arround 2 m.    Sun to shade   hardy -20/-25°C  5 liter  € 55

Fargesia murieliae x nitida (Eisenach) 'Little Rock'
(picture right) Maybe overlooked due to its size in the time of the murieliae x nitida hybrids. (2007)  This very handsome upright growing dwarf needs to be seen. The atractive leaves hang down in a graceful arc. The coloration of the culms can go to a deep purple. Will be available in the summer.
Height 1,5 till 1.7 m.   Sun to shade   hardy -20/-25°C    Autumn.
Fargesia murieliae ‘Masaai’ (picture left) Upright growing selections from seeds collected in China. Height: 3-4 m. 5 liter  € 25
Fargesia nitida "Fopey" (ASA 1120 SHAA–3b sp. Fopey) (Stéphane
) (picture right) Very handsome and colorfull Fargesia with small leaves and canes that become dark purple in the spring. Grows well in full sun and can become around 2 m.+  tall.  A strong bamboo to cover space with hansome foilage. And it tend not to roll it's leaves by frost what makes it an important new evergreen Fargesia. Sun to shade   Hardiness: -20/-25°C Available: 5 liter  € 30
Fargesia nitida 'Inthe' (picture above left) 'Gansu' seedling. This dwarf showed in the last years that it is healthy and that it will not become bigger than arround 1 meter high. A gift from a costomer. Half shade.  Hardiness: -20/-25°C    Available   5 liter  € 30
Fargesia nitida 'Jürgen' (Gansu A) (picture right)  A small 'fairy tale' bamboo, growing like Fargesia nitida 'Volcano' but more delicate. Gansu-seedling. Height 2-2,5 m.  sun to shade. Hardiness: -20/-25°C   Available: 5 liter  € 30
Fargesia nitida ASA 1620 fus – 5 (Stéphane) (picture left) Upright growing with small leaves. A handsome new Fargesia.
Height between 2-3 m. 
Hardyness: -20/-25°C. Available: 5 liter  € 35
F. nitida (Neufeld) x murieliae ‘Schensbossen’ (picture above right) Powerful seedling with thicker culms and a light green leaf color. One of the strongest seedling that I know. In the winter the leaves are rolling less than most of the other F. nitida.  It loses quickly it's culmsheats and that makes that the plant is not very sensitive for mealy bugs.
Height between 3-4 m. +   Sun to partial shade   hardy between -20 / -25° C.
5 liter  € 35 and bigger size.
Fargesia nitida 'Songpan 2'   (picture above left) Very interesting because of the smal size. (picture right) After 8 year this healthy bamboo is not much higher than 1 meter. This not running dwarf Fargesia will be probably available in 2025. 
Height arround 1 m.  Sun to shade  Hardiness:  -20/-25°C.

Fargesia nitida "Songpan 3
(picture right) is different from Songpan 2 but it is also a small bamboo. This fairly upright growing smal leaved dwarf will not easy exceed the height of 150-200 cm. It is somewhat a look alike of Fargesia murieliae "Bimbo" but it differs in its more open growing habit and has a much better resistance to mealybugs. It grows best on a semi sunny spot or even shade on a loose fertile and not to dry soil.
Height arround 2 m. Sun to shade Hardiness:  -20/-25°C. Available:
5 liter  € 30
Fargesia nivalis (picture left) The bamboo with the name 'Yushania velutina' seems to belong to the Fargesia group. This bamboo with its most delicate leaves is not very hardy.  In a moderate winter it sheds first its leaves. In a colder winter it can freeze back but it will usually recover. The name Fargesia nivalis implies that this Fargesia has a connection with snow. It is sun and warm tolerant. 
Height: 3-4 m.
  Hardiness: -12/-15°C.  
Available  5 liter  € 35
Fargesia obliqua (Stéphane) (picture right) This new species has, like 'Rufa ' and robusta, glossy green leaves with good wintergreen features. It has a prominent place in my garden. Promising. It could become an important Fargesia for small hedges,
height: 2 meter+. 
Hardiness: -20/-25°C. Available: 5 liter  € 45
Fargesia / Borinda setosa ASA1220/VN14 (Fargesia macclureana ?) (picture left) This bamboo is a separate collection from the same area as the KR (Keith Rushfort) species. It should represent a real giant. 5 liter  € 55
Fargesia (Yushania, Borinda) shangrilaensis (Demoly) (picture right) A handsome colorfull bamboo. An identical bamboo was imported from Tibet with the name Fargesia collaris. This bamboo supports the sun well.
Height 2 till 5 m.  It is hardy in the middle of France. 
5 liter  € 55 

Fargesia robusta ASA 1220 SHAA-1 (Stéphane) (picture right) Simillar to 'Campbell' but smaller and somewhat longer leaves. Collected at high elevation (Shaanxi province) and showed to be more hardy than ''Campbell''. This 'robusta' was collected in an area where nearly only F. nitida was growing. Height: 2-3 m.  sun till shade   Hardyness: -20/-25°C     5 liter  € 35
Fargesia robusta ASA1420SICABA-1
(picture left) This robusta differs from the known species by the size and shape of the leaves and the growing silhouette. Available: Promising. Hardyness: -16/-20°C. (Maybe more)
sun till shade
Height: 3-4 m.  (Maybe more) 
5 liter  € 65

Fargesia qinlingensis (Stéphane 1)  Handsome leaves and a strong grower. Height: 3 m.+  sun till shade  Hardyness: -20/-25°C. Available: 5 liter  € 35
Fargesia scabrida 'Silver Dragon' (Picture above left) The first leaves in the spring are variegatet what lighs up the plant. It needs a light and a not too sunny space.  Height: 2-3 m.   sun till shade   hardiness -20/-22°C
5 liter  € 35
Fargesia ‘Rufa’ Variegate form (photo right)  Very small and beautiful variegated and expensive plants are available. 3 liter  € 55
it grows to 1 -1,5 meter high and prefers a light place (not in the full sun)  hardiness -21/-23°C    Maximum height around 1 meter.

Phyllostachys aurea 'Eyaragues' (Albovariegata Bernard') (picture left) Beautiful variegated. Height 3-5 m. sun till half shadow. This mutation is dicouvert in a green plant by Bernard Le Neindre .
Height 3-5 m.+   sun till half shadow  hardy between -16/-20°C. Available again in 2025
Phyllostachys aureosulcata 'Blackfire'
(picture right)  This is a most interesting new Phyllostachys. In the spring in the sun there is a red coloration on the yellow culms  (more than by the form Phyllostachys aureosulcata 'Aureocaulis') The new yellow culms change in the summer and autumn from yellow into black brown, leaving the sulcus yellow.
These culms become darker in the year after.
Hardiness: -20/-23°C.  Available summer 2024 
 5 liter  € 55.

Phyllostachys bambusoides  One of the biggest timber bamboos in Europe. Available: 5 liter  € 45
Phyllostachys bambusoides 'Holochrysa' (picture left)  Available: 5 liter  € 35
Phyllostachys bambusoides ‘Lacrima-deae’ (picture right)  A more hardy Ph. bambusoides form with a beautiful black and green contrast. It needs a warm place to get this coloration. Available: 2025
Phyllostachys bambusoides'Mixta' (picture left) The sulcus is yellow and the green can have some brown spots. Available: 2025
This is supposed to be a more hardy, sturdy clone.
Phyllostachys kwangsiensis 'Bokrijk'  (picture above right) This hardy, very vigorous species with hairy culms (like Phyll. edulis) started flowering arround 2010 in most of the places. This plant survived flowering in the Botanical garden of Bokrijk in Belgium and will be free of flowering for at least 60 years. This bamboo is the best clone for the middle of Europe to invest in the future if biomass is your item.
There is another clone in Belgium (Koen) that did not flower untill now and plants produced out of this line are not certain to have such a long future. Mixing up these two is risky and if flowering takes place it is surely not the "Bokrijk".
If this bamboo ever goes in vitro, the growth properties are no longer certain.

Height 6-12 m.+  sun till half shadow,  hardy between -20/-23°C   5 liter  € 85

Stéphane (Newfi) imported these two new Phyllostachys iridescens forms,  'Heterochroma'  and  ‘Holochrysa'. You can compare the culmcolors of ‘Holochrysa’ and 'Heterochroma'  with Phyllostachys aureosulcata ‘Aureocaulis’ and  ‘Spectabilis’.
Phyllostachys iridescens 'Hetrochroma'  (picture right) Yellow with a green sulcus.
When young both related forms can produce green to yellow green canes. That color become bright yellow later.
Height 6-12 m
-18/-20 °C.
5 liter  € 85

Phyllostachys iridescens  ‘Holochrysa’ (picture left) is totally yellow (with some stripes that is the mark of Ph. iridescens) . Sometimes but not often they mutate in each direction but usually these two form stay stable.
For me both are equal important and both are beautiful new forms.
Height 6-12 m Hardiness: -18/-20°C. 5 liter  € 85
Phyllostachys dulcis (picture left)  This tall growing species is used in China for ist early edible shoots.
18/-20°C.  5 liter  € 45  June

Phyllostachys nigra 'Kiyoshi' (picture up right, Noah Bell) Bizarre but beautiful plant from 'Bamboo Garden'. The leaves are fine variegated and some culms are green yellow with green lines. Later they can get some of the black nigra coloration. It was a gift from Mr. Kiyoshi to 'Bamboo Garden'.
Height 6-8 m.+  sun till half shadow   hardy between -16/-20°C.   Maybe more.
In the USA there were some new interesting mutations that were found in this unstalble plant. In the future it could be a source of new mutations (picture down left,
Noah Bell)  
There is a danger of flowering. You can take the risk or not.

Height 6-8 m Hardiness: -18/-20°C. 5 liter  € 45
Phyllostachys rivalis. (picture right) This smal handsome waterbamboo will grow only till about 3-4 meters with straight canes. It can survive some time standing in water. Height 2-4 m Hardiness: -18/-20°C. maybe more  .Available: 5 liter  € 45
Phyllostachys rubicunda 'Goldrush' (Yellow variegated leaves) (picture left) This beautiful yellow variegeted Phyllostachys I have got from Hans Prins. We discouvered it after it had flowerd. After 3 years of selecting It seems to be stable.
Height 5 till 8 m. Hardiness: -18/-21°C
  5 liter  € 65
Pleioblastus hindsii (picture right) At last we have the true hindsii. A very typical upright growing bamboo that can get thick culms (till 4 cm) in relation to the height.
Height: 5 till 7 m. Hardyness: -15/-18°C   Available 2026

Pleioblastus ovatoauritus (picture left) Upright bamboo with long internodes and bigger leaves. The culms can get a red glow in the sun. Hardyness: -14/-16°C Maybe more.  Available  5 liter  € 35 
Pseudosasa sp. Charles. ( picture right ) Maybe related to Pseudosasa amabilis. Strong very upright-growing bamboo. Looks like Sem. fastuosa but is much more elegant.  An impressive newcomers for a not too cold climat .
Heigth 5-8 m. +, sun till shadow, frost resistant between -15 and -18°C . Available:
5 liter  € 35
Sasa kurilensis 'Anouk' (picture left) Is still not stable and not available.
Sarocalamus racemosus (as Yushania sp CHB02.B1) (picture left) Curious dwarf species from Bhutan that does not belong to Yushania but Sarocalamus. It makes real rhizomes!! 

Sinobambusa rubroligula `Bicolor` (picture right) 3 till 4 meters, hardy till -15°C.  Beautiful colored  yellow canes with green sulcu,s that starts with a greenish color. Height: 3-5 m.   sun till shade  Hardyness: -12/-15°C Available: 5 liter  € 25
Semiarundinaria sinica ( picture right ) Very upright growing species. Has the features to become an important hedge bamboo.

Height: 6-8 m.   sun till shade  Hardyness: -18/-20°C  
Available  5 liter  € 45
Sinobambusa tootsik var. laeta (picture left) The green form. 6 till 12 meters tall. In test. Hardy till -15°C.. Available 5 liter  € 35
Shibataea strigosa (picture right)  Available
5 liter  € 35
Shibatea NB2012 (picture left)  Available 5 liter  € 35
ushania angustifolia (picture right) Strong and beautiful seedlings with handsome long, smal and glossy leaves.
Height: 1,5-2 m.   sun till half shade  Hardyness: -13/-16°C   Available  5 liter  € 35    One of my favorites.

Chusquea tenuiflora (picture left) Not available
Phyllostachys edulis 'Albovariegata'  (picture right)  Available: 2026
Phyllostachys lufoshanensis  Ask 
New interesting species and still under observation: Some are available.
Fargesia sp. demissa? ASA1420SICABA-1 (Stéphane)
Fargesia sp. Shaanxi (demissa? ASA1620SHAA-8 (Stéphane) (picture right)  very smal leaves. This species is collected as Fargesia demissa but reprisents a Fargesia jiuzhaigou like species. It is collected in the most northern limit were Fargesia can grow. (Province of Shaanxi). It is very hardy medium sized Fargesia.
Available: 5 liter  € 45

Fargesia nitida? ASA1220 FUS 14 (Stéphane) (picture right)  smal leaves. Available: 5 liter  € 55
The followin new species did not arrive in 2024 (not for sale)
Ph bissetti "Viridiculcata"
Ph bissetti "Lutéosulcata" (picture right)
Ph angusta "Flaviostriata"
Acidosasa édulis